Steering the Course III

Navigating deep waters


Across the globe, businesses in all sectors are looking at their impact on the world around them, with ESG (environmental, social and governance) considerations moving rapidly up the agenda.

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Today, organizations face the challenge of navigating increasingly heightened ESG expectations, with the reputational and financial cost of failure becoming more severe.

Stephanie Yonekura

Stephanie Yonekura

Partner and Global Head of Investigations, White Collar & Fraud

Executive summary


of compliance leaders said identifying ESG risk is a current and future priority in their business strategy


of compliance leaders said integrated ESG programs will positively impact their organization’s reputation


of compliance leaders view ABC and ESG risk management as aligned programs

Navigating deep waters

Part one: Evaluating
ESG third-party risk

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Part two: Headwinds

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Part three: The value of ESG investment

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Market insights

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About the research

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About IWCF

About IWCF

Our award-winning team handles all issues relating to enforcement, whistle-blowing, criminal liability, regulatory violations, tax investigations, and asset recovery. We pursue and defend claims against executive boards, and we craft internal programs and policies that comply with global legislation, such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act.

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